You can ramp up your energy levels by adding certain (delicious!) foods to your plate every day. But what is the best food for energy?
In this article, we’ll look at where energy comes from, what foods give you energy and 5 energy-sapping foods to avoid.
Where does our energy come from?
In all animals, including humans, energy comes from food.
Inside everything we eat and drink (apart from plain water) are energy-rich molecules such as glucose.1
So, when we take a bite of food or a sip of fruit juice, for instance, these energy-rich molecules enter our stomachs and are then broken down by the body to be used as fuel.
Carbohydrates, fat and protein are known as the ‘macronutrients’ – the main energy-giving food groups.
Other nutrients can give us energy, too, including amino acids like leucine, as well as B vitamins and caffeine.2
What affects energy levels?
Getting enough sleep – around seven to nine hours every night – is key to keeping you energised throughout the day.3
Living a generally healthy diet, not smoking, avoiding alcohol and getting some form of daily exercise all affect energy levels, so it might be time to re-examine lifestyle factors which might be robbing you of precious energy.
The good news is- you can increase energy levels through food.
The amount of energy in a food is measured in calories (kcal). However, it’s not as simple as eating lots of calorie-dense foods in order to boost energy levels.
Following this logic, you could end up eating nothing but crisps and ice-cream – a sure-fire way to end up lethargic and lacking in energy.
Instead, consider whether the food you’re eating is a source of sustainable energy.
Look out for fibre, healthy fats, protein and unrefined carbohydrates which provide your body with steady energy over a longer period.
- We get sustainable energy from fibre, healthy fats, protein and unrefined carbohydrates
- Getting enough good-quality sleep (no screens or interruptions) helps support our energy requirements throughout the day
- Not smoking or drinking alcohol and getting enough exercise also help raise daily energy levels
30 foods that give you energy
- Bananas
Bananas are one of the best foods for energy.
They’re packed full of energy-rich carbohydrates and contain potassium and vitamin B6, both associated with energy production.4,5
Eating just one banana before a 75km cycling trial has proven just as effective as drinking an endurance-boosting carbohydrate drink.6
- Apples
Apples are a great energy source thanks to the body-fuelling natural sugars they contain.
They’re also high in fibre, which means the energy that apples provide is of the longer-lasting sort which doesn’t cause a crash like caffeine.7
- Strawberries
Much like apples, strawberries provide natural sugar, which your body can quickly turn into energy.
Again, the fibre content of strawberries means the energy they provide is sustainable.
100g strawberries provide nearly 5g natural sugar at only 32 calories.8
- Chia seeds
Prized for their superior energy-giving properties, these tiny seeds provide stable energy thanks to their protein, healthy fats and fibre.9
A simple DIY energy drink can be made by adding a sprinkling of chia seeds to water and leaving in the fridge until the seeds have fully swollen (around 30 mins).
- Tuna and salmon
Oilier, fattier fish such as tuna and salmon are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids.
According to some studies, low levels of omega 3 fatty acids are associated with chronic fatigue, so include fish in your diet around twice a week.10
- Sweet potatoes
Not only do sweet potatoes provide a steady supply of energy thanks to their fibre and complex carbohydrates, but they also contain manganese, which helps break down nutrients to provide the body with energy.11
- Raisins
Portable and easy to eat, you can take raisins with you everywhere for on-the-go energy.
What’s more, raisins have been shown to produce sustained energy during long term athletic competitions equal to traditional sports energy gels.12
- Almonds
For afternoon slumps, try almonds instead of a sweet treat.
Almonds are a source of vitamin B2 (aka riboflavin), which helps us release energy from food.
They also contain manganese and copper both key to the production of energy.13
Shop Whole, Flaked & Ground Almonds
- Eggs
Packed with energy-releasing B-vitamins, eggs are one of the best energy foods.
Eggs also provide protein, which slows down the release of glucose into your bloodstream, meaning your energy will be slow and steady.14
- Beans
Beans are a great source of complex carbohydrates and fibre, meaning they provide steady energy that won’t have the ‘rollercoaster’ effect on your energy levels that eating sugary foods has.
- Oatmeal
Sometimes overlooked at breakfast in favour of tempting sugary cereals, oats have been powering mankind since ancient times.
Thanks to the beta-glucan (a type of soluble fibre) oats contain, oats slow the release of glucose into the blood.
This means you won’t get a short burst of energy followed by fatigue, but rather a gradual energy release over a few hours.15
- Seeds
Seeds, such as pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and linseeds contain energy-rich healthy fats.
They also contain protein and fibre – key for slower digestion and, crucially, a slower release of energy.16
Seeds are easy to incorporate into your daily food – just sprinkle into smoothies, porridge, yoghurt and salads.
- Greek yoghurt
Greek yoghurt can help you refuel after exercise, giving you a dose of carbohydrates while the protein content (surprisingly high at nearly 9g protein per 100g) ensures the energy from the carbs is digested slowly and won’t give you a spike and crash.17
- Oranges
Oranges are one of the best foods for energy.
They come with natural sugars, which gives you that energy boost without the skyrocketing blood sugar levels that come with other simple sugars.
This is due to the fruit’s high fibre content – around 3g fibre per orange.18
- Brown rice
A high-carbohydrate whole grain, brown rice packs plenty of energy.
It’s digested more slowly than white rice, meaning the energy it provides is more sustainable and longer-lasting.19
- Avocado
Are avocados the perfect snack?
High in healthy unsaturated fats and calories, avocados also contain a high amount of fibre.
This means they digest at a steady pace, releasing glucose into the blood slowly and providing steady energy.20
- Chickpeas
Coming with a healthy dose of protein, fibre and vitamin B9 (folate), chickpeas are also energy-packed enough to keep you going until your next meal.21
Chickpeas are the primary ingredient in the much-loved Middle Eastern dip hummus, so grab some crunchy vegetables and get scooping.
- Quinoa
A plant with a reputation in the 21st century West as a superfood, quinoa has been providing energy to people in South American countries for thousands of years.
Quinoa is also a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals.22
- Leafy green vegetables
Leafy green vegetables like spring greens, spinach, cabbage and watercress are great energy foods.
This is because they’re rich in energy-boosting nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and vitamins A, C and K.23
- Matcha
Matcha is made from the ground leaves of the green tea plant.
As it’s made from the ground leaves matcha has a high concentration of nutrients and caffeine – 64mg caffeine per cup – which gives you a boost.24
- Dark chocolate
Amazingly, this indulgent treat is also a food that gives you energy. It contains caffeine and sugar – both known for giving us a boost.
Eat dark chocolate sparingly, though, as too much sugar can elevate your blood sugar levels too quickly, leading to a slump later.
- Brown bread
While it’s true that too many simple carbs will leave you sluggish, don’t cut out brown bread.
It’s slightly higher in calories than white bread, but the fibre it contains from the wheat germ and bran is the key to its slow-release energy, making it the healthier choice.25
- Lentils
Lentils contain fibre and complex carbohydrates, both good for slow-release energy. Lentils also contain iron.
If we don’t have enough iron, our red blood cells aren’t as effective at supplying our organs and tissues with the oxygen we need to function, causing tiredness and fatigue.26
Shop Rice, Pasta, Pulses & Grains
- Water
It’s essential for all bodily processes. Staying hydrated is key for optimal mental and physical function, and not drinking enough fluids will leave you feeling weak, tired and foggy.27
- Green tea
Green tea contains the plant compound L-theanine as well as caffeine, both known for their energy-boosting properties.
The combination of the two has proven in one study to be beneficial in improving cognitive performance.28
- Coffee
Caffeine is a stimulant that speeds up the messages between our brain and body. When consumed in small doses, and as part of a healthy diet, it can help us feel more alert.
- Peanut butter
Sugar-free peanut butter is a healthy, energy-rich choice.
Healthy fats, fibre and protein mean the energy you’ll get is slow-burning, unlike chocolate spread which hits your bloodstream all at once.
- Chicken
Chicken is packed with lean protein.
Not eating enough protein throughout the day can lead to fatigue, so protein-rich foods, in general, may help if you’re experiencing sluggishness.29
- Fortified cereal
Choose a high-fibre, low sugar cereal such as bran flakes which is fortified with vitamin B12.
Since Vitamin B12 helps make red blood cells, a dip in production means there’s less oxygen to keep your cells going, which can lead to feeling tired and weak.
- Dates
These jammy, sweet fruits are high in natural sugars, giving them a caramel-like taste.
Instead of a slice of cake or chocolate bar as a pick-me-up, get into the habit of eating a few dates instead.
They’re high in potassium and magnesium, both important for energy production, also containing iron and folate along with fibre.
This is why dates are a common ingredient in energy balls.
What foods sap your energy?
- Sugar
After an initial rush, sugar causes you to feel more lethargic and tired.
The more sugar you eat, the less orexin your brain is able to produce.
Orexin is a brain chemical that helps keep you awake – so it makes sense that cutting down on sugar will help you feel more alert.30
- Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbs – also known as ‘simple’ carbs and ‘white’ carbs – are quickly broken down to blood glucose in our bodies.
Then, they behave similarly to sugar by causing a rush of energy while the blood sugar is high, followed by an energy crash as the blood sugar drops.31
White bread, white rice and white pasta are all on this list.
- Fried food
Fried food is tough on digestion.
When a plateful of greasy food hits the stomach, blood is diverted away from the rest of the body, including the brain, leaving you sleepy and unfocused.32
- Skipping breakfast
Breakfast is key to giving your body the energy it needs to get you through the day.
A healthy, balanced breakfast offers the energy you need during your busy morning and can stop poor food choices later in the day.33
- Alcohol
This should come as no surprise, but alcohol is a huge energy-sapper.
Not only does it disrupt your sleep, making it less restful, your body also has to work overtime metabolising the alcohol, making you feel drained.34
Could low energy be a sign of something else?
Usually, making lifestyle adjustments (getting more sleep, quitting alcohol, exercising more and including energy-boosting foods in your diet) can help you out of an energy slump.
In some cases, something else might be behind your fatigue.35
- Anaemia
- Post-viral fatigue
- Low in B vitamins
- Depression
- Pregnancy
- Sleep apnea
- Underactive thyroid
- Coeliac disease
- Anxiety
Talk to your GP if you’re concerned.
The advice in this article is for information only and should not replace medical care. Please check with your GP or healthcare professional before trying any supplements, treatments or remedies. Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
- Unlocking the energy in foods — Science Learning Hub
- The role of leucine and its metabolites in protein and energy metabolism | Request PDF (
- How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? | Sleep Foundation
- Relationships between the neuronal sodium/potassium pump and energy metabolism. Effects of K+, Na+, and adenosine triphosphate in isolated brain synaptosomes (
- Vitamins and Minerals for Energy, Fatigue and Cognition: A Narrative Review of the Biochemical and Clinical Evidence (
- Bananas as an Energy Source during Exercise: A Metabolomics Approach (
- Are Apples Better than Coffee? : CCE Suffolk County Family Health & Wellness Strengthening Families & Communities (
- FoodData Central (
- (PDF) A Renewable Source as a Functional Food: Chia Seed (
- In chronic fatigue syndrome, the decreased levels of omega-3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids are related to lowered serum zinc and defects in T cell activation - PubMed (
- Minerals and trace elements - British Nutrition Foundation - Page #3
- (PDF) A Comprehensive review of Raisins and Raisin components and their relationship to human health (
- Almonds: Nutrition & Health Benefits | Live Science
- Protein: metabolism and effect on blood glucose levels - PubMed (
- Instant Oatmeal Increases Satiety and Reduces Energy Intake Compared to a Ready-to-Eat Oat-Based Breakfast Cereal: A Randomized Crossover Trial (
- Dietary Fiber and Energy Regulation | The Journal of Nutrition | Oxford Academic (
- FoodData Central (
- Food, nutrition and agriculture 24 Nutritional and health benefits of citrus fruits1 (
- Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- The Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Chickpeas and Hummus (
- Quinoa: Nutritional Aspects | Insight Medical Publishing (
- How leafy greens can make a difference for athletes (
- Caffeine Content of Drinks (
- Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Review on iron and its importance for human health (
- Water: Nature's Most Important Nutrient (
- The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood - PubMed (
- The Effects of Low Protein Intake (
- Metabolism-Independent Sugar Sensing in Central Orexin Neurons (
- Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Does a large meal make you tired, and if so, why? | New Scientist
- Healthy breakfasts (for people who hate breakfast) - NHS (
- 5 worrying ways alcohol makes you tired (
- 10 medical reasons for feeling tired - NHS (
What are the best high-protein foods for long-lasting energy?
Foods like eggs, Greek yogurt, lean meats, and plant-based proteins (chickpeas and quinoa) provide steady energy by keeping blood sugar levels stable. Protein also supports muscle function and overall vitality.
Which fruits are ideal for boosting energy naturally?
Bananas, berries, and oranges are packed with natural sugars and fiber, providing quick and sustained energy. They also contain antioxidants and vitamins to support metabolic processes.
Why are whole grains essential for maintaining energy levels?
Whole grains such as oats, quinoa, and brown rice provide complex carbohydrates, which are slowly digested and offer sustained energy throughout the day. They also contain fiber, which stabilizes blood sugar."